
Saturday, May 17, 2014

My plans or God's plans

Everyone has plans. We wouldn't be normal if we didn't. We plan for today, we plan for the weekend, we plan for our future.

Often, while planning, we are unsure about choices that we need to make. Do we choose this or that?  We decide to pray about it and then wait. Several things may happen. 

Either, we find that the door is closed, and nothing we can do will make it work; or, we don't hear anything from God; or we find obstacles in our path that make it difficult for the plans to work out.

If you're like me, these make you feel despondent, your faith may waiver, or you may wonder what you did that God is not granting you the desires of your heart!

I have learned, through this process of ours, that God's plans are ALWAYS better than mine!  Even if it's difficult and hard to understand.

Jesus Calling this morning said this :

We need to come to God with our plans set aside. (In other words, don't come to Him with all these huge plans to give Him, asking for advice - He knows them already!)

We must worship Him in Spirit and in truth and let Him guide us throughout the day. (We have to be aware of Him throughout the day ... not just during our quiet time, or a quick moment when we need to pray, but ALWAYS).

We need to submit our plans to God's Master Plan because He is King over EVERY aspect of our lives. (It's not easy, but we need to let go of our plans and trust that He will take them and make them good).

Trust and search for God's way through each day. Don't blindly follow your habits or you will miss what He has planned. (How easily do we go through the same routine every day, instead of looking for the opportunities that God puts in front of us. How many blessings do we miss because of this - blessings both for us and others?).

John 4:24

24 God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”

Isaiah 55:8, 9

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
    neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.

“As the heavens are higher than the earth,
    so are my ways higher than your ways
    and my thoughts than your thoughts."


I challenge you today, to write down your plans - whether they be for today, or next weekend, or the future. Lay them all before God and give them to Him. Then take each moment and trust Him to do better than you ever could.

No, it's not easy waiting to see where He wants you to go. Or what choice you need to make. If you absolutely have to make a decision, then make one and pray for peace. If you feel that peace deep down in your Spirit, then you know you are in His will. If not, change that decision quickly! 

If you think you're not hearing from God,  don't ask "Where is God in this?", but ask "Why can't I see God?"  Pray that He will reveal Himself in your situation.  

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