
Sunday, August 9, 2015

First full Week


Our first week at school is over and we are enjoying our weekend :)  It's been busy, crazy, hectic, different, strange, and yet really good.  We've had so many experiences this week that have put us totally out of our comfort zones, which, I guess, is a good thing. We never tend to stretch ourselves unless we're forced to. And then, we find that we are capable of things we never thought we could do.

This week brought new tastes.  Our cantina (cafeteria) serves hot lunch every day and I've tasted food such as empanadas, a type of savory tart with tomato, ham, egg, cheese and a crispy pastry, and a few other treats. Many, many starchy foods (which is not good for me), but great to try out new tastes.

My empanada :)

Students lining up for lunch in the Cantina.

It's been a challenge finding my feet in 2nd grade again, and trying to figure out the curriculum, but I know it won't take long before I'll be comfortable. I have 18 incredibly sweet, but VERY energetic, 2nd graders. The language is a challenge sometimes, because some of them don't speak English very well. However, others help to translate, especially when they are trying to tell me something. I do teach in English, for those who asked ;)

The staff at this school are wonderful!  From the office staff, cafeteria staff to administration. We have been made very welcome here, and know that we will be happy here for the time we are here.

Marlowe and I decided to go to the store this week. Just the 2 of us. No translators. We had been told which buses to take, but I wasn't 100% sure of the stops. We waited about 20 minutes for the bus, stuck out our hands and climbed aboard. We paid, walked through the turnstile and looked for a rail to hold onto because it was pretty full.  When we were near (or when I THOUGHT we were near) the store, we pushed the button and climbed off. Right outside an Ace Hardware. Beautiful - looked like a mix of a mini Target and Walmart. Big and open and very, very clean. Marlowe found his hummingbird feeders. Then we left and realized we had about another mile and a half to walk to our store.  Long story short.....it was an experience, and now we REALLY know where to get off!!

We're loving the fact that, even though school starts at the crack of dawn, it takes us less than 5 minutes to walk to our classrooms. Zane can come home after school on his own, and the school field is his playground.

Today, 2 of the girls from our apartments bravely took part in a 42km marathon in the town. Temperatures are expected to his 97F today, but the race started at 6, so I think that helped them. A few of us went to cheer them on. We stood in the middle of the road, on a pavement, and enjoyed the breeze and shade. It really is a pretty town - it's just a pity seeing trash everywhere. It seems like the many trashcans on the sides of the roads are more for decoration...?? Here are some pics of our view today, including our girls. Well done, Courtney and Annie - we are so proud of you!!

Yes, the random dude had a fake beard!! Funny!

On our way home, we took an older bus that was very interesting. When sitting inside, I saw wooden boards wired together, a nail or two lying on the ground and, every now and then, the road showing between the boards. The bus moaned and groaned, but got us home.

The week ahead is going to be wonderful - Brendon arrives on Tuesday!!! Cannot WAIT to see him. We will feel more complete with him here.

Please continue to pray for Shelaine, as she continues her life without her family. Praising God for her amazing husband and adorable dog. This is her season to be living the life God has planned for both her and Jordan as a married couple. Both Jordan and her have decided to try to keep Layla with them, or with Jordan's parents. That is a blessing, knowing she doesn't have to be put down. However, pray she behaves because if she doesn't..........(remember, she does not get on well with other dogs, although it seems to be working for now!).

I know this is going to be good. If God is in it, how can it not be?


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