
Saturday, June 13, 2015

Waiting is the Hardest Thing to Do

So as of yesterday, our visa expired. However, being in the process of getting it renewed allows us to continue to stay.  We do not have a decision yet because immigration has requested more information.


Request for Additional Evidence Notice Was Mailed

This means that the processing has been suspended until they receive the additional evidence, and then they will continue to make a decision.

So we find ourselves in a strange position. Legally, if they were to deny this application any day from today onward, we would have to pack up and leave the country immediately. The same day. A daunting thought? Oh yes! Scary? Absolutely? 

Of course, as a mom, my mind goes in a million ways thinking of what lies ahead.  Does this mean I have to leave my daughter again? What about my boys? It's the middle of the school year in South Africa. Where would we go? Where would we stay? How would we get around? How are we going to afford to actually get there? And so on, and so on.....

But then, I have to take a step back and remember what this journey has been about. This journey that has taken over 10 years. It's been a journey of faith, trust and hope.


I cannot allow myself to lose hope, faith or trust. God has NEVER yet let me down. It has been a long journey, and many have told me that it's unfair that we have been through so much and that this has not been easier. I guess I could wallow in that and complain about the fact that so many others have had an easier transition to permanent residence. But it wouldn't help me! Complaining never helps anyone.

I have found my strength in the fact that God has always provided a way for us. The times we have had to go back, He has provided what we've needed : money for air tickets, money to pay off everything we owe, a place to stay, transport, money to survive on, etc. We have NEVER found ourselves in want. NEVER been stuck in a place where we've been totally alone. He's always been there with us.

So why should this time be any different? Why should I worry about the future, or the way things are going to work out? God commands us not to be afraid. I am not going to go against that!


I am human, of course, and these moments of worry do pop up. I wouldn't be normal if they didn't. But for now, I'm going to lean on Him, worry about today, and let Him worry about tomorrow. I'm going to have hope for the future, and continue to trust that His plans and His timing are ALWAYS better than mine. Please continue to pray for us, that we may listen to and hear His voice. That we can encourage others in their journeys, knowing that, if you seek Him with your WHOLE heart, you WILL find Him. And if you delight yourself in Him, He will grant you the desires of your heart.



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