
Thursday, July 23, 2015


Our journey continues. As you know we have been praying for God to show us His will for us regarding our future. We have no idea about whether the visa will or will not be approved.  The lawyer is not even certain.  So what this means is that we would need to wait until the 10th August for more information. If the information needed by the Dept. of Labor is not received, we can’t file, and therefore can’t stay. Everything is uncertain as far as this is concerned. I hate this for the school because I don't want them rushing to try to find someone a few days before school starts. I want them to be able to find the best teacher for the students that are coming up to 5th grade - precious students that I WANT to get my hands on and spend time with.

While waiting,  we have been putting our resumes out all over the world and praying that God would open or close doors according to His will.  I have had several interviews for a school in Russia, one in Abu Dhabi and two recruiters from Canada and Australia (who recruit for all around the world). There have been problems in each one (I won’t go into details). Closed doors.

On Monday, we received an email from a Christian school in Asuncion, Paraguay (never thought of going there). The school is under the same accreditation as BCA (my current school) which is wonderful. What concerned me is that we would have to pay for our own flights, and salary was not as competitive as all the other packages.

So, Marlowe and I prayed over it, and asked God to show us what He would want us to do. We discussed the fact that if we went to South Africa, we would have to find money to fly, and we would end up there with no jobs or a place to stay. Nothing was opening up there.  In Paraguay, we were being offered jobs and accommodation.

We were set up for an interview this morning which went really well. We spoke with the Directors of the school (one who happens to be South African - wow) who were delightful and put us totally at ease. We were told that accommodation was fully furnished and all we’d need was our toothbrushes!! Wow. Marlowe would be able to teach again, and Brendon may even have something to do after school.  We discussed the interview afterwards and felt that God was opening this door wide. We said that if we were offered the jobs, we would take them. This would be a certainty, whereas the visa is uncertain.

So, as of now, we are going to be teaching in Paraguay!! School starts NEXT WEEK!!!

 We are taking a step of faith and trusting that God will help provide the funds we need to get there, and to pay off our accounts here.  I have no worries, because I KNOW that this is from Him. The peace we both feel is amazing.  We will have a yard sale this weekend and try to sell as much as we can and then, God willing, will be flying out on Tuesday or Wednesday, arrive Wednesday or Thursday, and possibly be in the classroom on Friday or even Monday.
Nothing in life is certain, but when you get that feeling of peace from God,  and you KNOW that His hand is in it, then you have the certainty that all is going to be okay. It is wonderful to see His promises come to fruition. It’s been a LONG waiting game, but He has been teaching us patience, and trust, and gave us a huge measure of faith.

Let me encourage you to rest in Him for whatever you may be going through. Sometimes it doesn’t look like there’s hope for the future. But His word doesn’t lie. He promises us that He will give us a hope, and a future. For now, our future is in South America. But I believe, in my heart, that we will be back as soon as He is ready for us to come back. So, at the earliest, 2 years.... 

Please continue to pray for us for wisdom and guidance, and please pray for our precious Shelaine who has to go through this once again. I praise God that she has a wonderful husband and friends that will support her through this.

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