
Monday, June 12, 2017


Image result for inspirational quotes on leaving friends

As the school year starts to come to a close, we are looking at where we've been and where we are going. No, we don't have a passport for Zane yet, but we are trusting that God's timing is better than ours (even though it may not make sense).

The last few weeks have been very trying. We have been struggling through various issues, or spiritual attacks, from many different places. Each issue/attack totally different, but just as difficult to get through. We have, however, been learning more about ourselves and others through this, and, most importantly, how God wants us to handle these situations.  As much as it hurts when people you love act in a way towards you that cuts to the core, we remember that in God's word is says that we need to rejoice when we face trials of any kind, because these trials will test our faith, and the testing of our faith produces perseverance. Who does not want perserverance in this day and age when it's so easy to just give up and take the easy road? We also remember that none of us is perfect, and everyone makes mistakes. Something easy to forget when someone errs against you and yet you are accused of being the one making the mistake

So, even though our flesh has been running rampant with our thoughts, I am thankful that God gently reminds us that we need to act in the Spirit, and not in the flesh. We are not anything special...we are sinners who are not perfect but are saved by God's grace. So we need to extend that grace to other, because : 
Image result for if you can't forgive others then God can't forgive you

Last night, we had a women's evening at a dear friend's house. She organized for us all to come over and fellowship and spend time with one another. Each woman, that was not leaving the school at the end of this year, was asked to give a verse or say something about each of the 3 of us that were leaving. Needless to say, it ended up being an amazing tear-filled, snot-dripping, full-of-love evening. I have not been feeling too devastated, because we don't have a departure date yet, so there isn't really a FINAL day for us yet. So I didn't expect to have any trouble getting through the night. Nope!  God's Spirit was there and touched each and every one of us in an incredible way. To have had the honor of working with women as amazing as these is something I don't deserve!  I cherish each one of them and will always have a part of them in my heart.

One other thing that has touched my heart the last 2 weeks has been watching the passion for Christ and others that the students at this school have. A dear friend opened her classroom for prayer during recess for Zane's passport. So we have been there every day praying, on our knees, or standing praising with worship music. To see students come in and pray for something that is not for them, is an incredible thing to see. I have cried many tears watching these sweet children - many of whom I don't even teach!

The trouble with international teaching is that you end up leaving with a broken heart, but so much better off because of relationships that have been formed.

No, this was not part of our plans when we initially moved to the USA. But I wouldn't change it for anything. I wouldn't change meeting the students I have met. I wouldn't change the relationships formed with all the wonderful people at this school. 
Image result for international teaching and leaving friends

Thank you, God, for 
lessons learned, 
a heart enriched, 
friendships woven, 
and faith strengthened. 

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