
Saturday, May 13, 2017

When Things Don't Always Go According to our Plan or Timing

Image result for God's timing

I generally write these blogs for myself, so that I can look back at the journey our family has been on and see how God has been working to bring us through the difficult times, and all the challenges that we have had to face. I can see how things have not always worked out the way I have wanted, but that, inevitably, God’s plans has always been better and His timing has always been perfect.

We have learned to trust Him - He WILL do what He says.  So many times, when we’ve been through something challenging, kind friends and family have said, “Oh it will be alright - God has got this!!”, or, “Of course it will happen - God is in control!”  Well, I KNOW that. God DOES have it all. He IS in control. But when it does happen, it’s not just because He waved his magic wand and made everything work out. He took us through a place where we had to trust in Him and lean on Him for whatever outcome. I have had people tell me that, and it DIDN’T  work out the way we had planned - the few times we thought we would get to stay in the US but had to leave…..

Many people have told me, “Zane’s passport is coming, God has it…” and so on. I KNOW God has it, but if you understood what was involved and how complicated this actually is, you would understand what a great miracle it will be when it finally arrives.

The South African government is a mess right now.  The South African Embassy in Argentina is having a hard time talking to them about the passport. When you try to check online to see where it is, they haven’t yet removed the information on his old passport. So no-one knows what’s happening (I KNOW…….. God knows!!).

So, I was recently contact by a gentleman who has an agency that works with passports, expediting them, etc. I did not want to contact him back because I figured God has this all under control. Until someone reminded me that perhaps God sent him. So we’re going to use him to try to figure out what is going on. He is in South Africa and will physically be able to go to Home Affairs to see what is going on.  He said that if he is not successful, payment is not required, but I am believing that it will all come together.

Do I understand God’s plan and His timing in everything - absolutely not. In fact, He confuses me most days! But I do trust Him. Am I confused as to why things are not going through smoothly and quickly - oh yes. But I will continue to trust Him.

Louis Giglio said : God doesn’t give us a blueprint of our lives, because then we’ll run and try to do it on our own - He gives us enough light for each day.  He says, “I’m going to give you a big enough task that you’re going to have to cling to me because the task is going to be bigger than anything you think you can do in and of yourself”.

So as we cling to God and continue to believe in His promise that we have a hope and a future, please continue to believe with us - not letting glib words slip off our tongues about how God has got this and how He will make this all right, but truly believing and understanding the power and depth of what He can do.

And while we cling and wait, we trust that everything will fall into place in exactly God’s timing - which is always perfect.