
Monday, February 27, 2017

This post started out as a status update on Facebook, but started getting a little long!  Then I realized that I have not posted on my blog for a VERY long time, so thought this to be the perfect opportunity!

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To what extent do you need to put your trust fully in God? What exactly does this mean? Does it mean sitting down and waiting for Him to reveal His plans, reveal where He wants you to be or what He wants you to do? Or does it mean going forward to possible new opportunities and giving to it Him - asking Him to open or close the doors that you are knocking on? When does it become a case of acting in your flesh because of a desire to be somewhere? When is it pure trust that He will make your paths straight?

Those of you who know me well, know that all I want to do is be where God is. Be where He wants me to be. And as much as I often desire to be somewhere else (home with Shelaine), I don't want to be out of His plans or will for my life. Because that is not a good place to be. You can only fulfill His purpose and touch other people's lives when you are in the place He has put you.

Our life is not a boring one - God has taken us to so many places. Even though, in the beginning, I did not understand why He had us come to Paraguay, I have seen the reasons rolling over and over again. He has blessed us with so many new friends and relationships - something that we would not have gained had we stayed in the USA.

He has taught us so much - to rest and trust in Him for all our needs. Although we just earn a stipend here, it is enough to cover everything we need. Although it is not enough to send home to cover the credit cards I had to leave behind, I have found I need to trust Him in that too - knowing that when we do eventually return, we could be returning to a mess! But He can make something beautiful out of a mess...right?

Image result for God makes something beautiful out of a mess bible verse Image result for God makes something beautiful out of a mess bible verse

I am learning to be content wherever I am, even though I have those moments where I say, "But God, you know that this would be so much easier!", or "God, how much fun would it be if we did this together?" I know He laughs at me, His child, for the silliness that goes on in my mind. But I also know that, as my heavenly Father, there are times where He has to say, "Not now" or "No", or "I have a surprise for you but you need to be patient and wait!".

We have started going to a small church in Asuncion that is led by a dear friend. His church is a missions based church. The goal of the church is to take what God has given us and taught us, and go out into the community and give it back. I've been learning how so many of us go to church to be fed and then leave without sharing what we were given with others. Pretty selfish. I know that I am definitely one who has fallen into that category. Wanting to hear God's word and find out how it can benefit me, teach me, and guide me. Hmmmm.... I don't see much of giving to others in that.

Yesterday God spoke to me through the word spoken. No, I don't understand most of what is said because it's said in Spanish. But with the help of some translation, this is what I learned :

  • So often we ask God for signs.....yip, that would be me. Give me a sign to show me what you want me to do....should I do this or should I do that...show me. Instead, we should be trusting Him because He has a plan already laid out.
  • You have to move in faith - don't wait for signs - if you believe God has something planned for you, and you've had confirmation in His word, then move in faith. He will honor that.
  • There are no coincidences with Him - everything has a purpose. Again, trust. Trust that the things that happen to us have a purpose - even if it doesn't make sense at the time.
  • The love we have in our relationships is an extension of the love we have with Him - so if we cannot love, what does this say about our relationship with Him?
  • God speaks to us through His word, dreams, friends, etc. - however, test everything said against the Word. If it's from Him, it will be there.
  • He never leaves us so when we feel desperate about not sensing His presence it's not Him leaving - it's us stepping away. Hmmmmmm.....
  • Happiness comes from a joyful heart - no explanation necessary
And finally :

  • Remember the relationship you have with Him before you go and do anything. Jesus came to us but commissioned us to go out to others. We were told that those of us from different countries needed to go back and be the salt and the light - sharing all we have been taught.
I don't really know which country I belong to any more. In the 30 years my husband and I have been together (almost 27 of which we've been married), we've lived in 3 countries. We have always strived to be where God wants us to be - even though it has not been easy. Paraguay has been such a blessing to us because it's been a place where we have learned so much, loved so much and discovered so many new friendships. If God calls us to stay here another year, or 2, or longer, then that's where we want to be.

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Image result for bible verses about god's guidance