
Sunday, October 11, 2015

Contentment is the Greatest Form of Wealth

I cannot believe it's been more than a month since I've posted!  Obviously things have been hectic....!

When I read the above bible verse (Phil. 4:11-12), I realize that it really speaks about my life.  It's so easy to get caught up in everything that goes on around you, and when you are pulled away from that, and asked to live a different way, you look back and wonder how you are going to live the way you have been used to.  Those were our thoughts when we got here...and for the first month thereafter.

Now, I realize that even though we don't have access to all we were used to, we are still able to live in contentment.  Here is my list :

  • I feel content to be living in a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment where we have space for the first time in over 2 years
  • I feel  content that I can be within walking distance from school, which can be very handy if I want to close my door at the end of a day and come home for a nap, and go back later
  • I am content to be teaching in a school filled with amazing people and students - I have never received so much love from little children as I have here
  • I am content when I don't need to make lunch to take to school because I can get a hearty, homecooked meal from the cantina (ok, maybe I shouldn't get the pasta too often...!!)
  • I am content to be able to catch a bus for a very small fee and travel anywhere around the city to get groceries (although it's a little more challenging when you don't have a seat and you do have a lot of groceries, or it's pouring with rain and there are rivers running on either side of the road waiting for you to jump into - bring on the inner child!!)
  • I am content that although we bring home less than $500 between the 2 of us, we are able to pay for what we need and have not yet been without anything (this has taught us to get what we need and not to give in to the greed of wants!)
  • I am content to have found a church that is small, yet I can feel the presence of the Holy Spirit every week
  • I am content to be living in Paraguay, with it's beautiful people (and I MEAN beautiful!), who are kind-hearted and extremely generous in everything
We have experienced so many new things here. Who knew God has this in mind for us when we found ourselves at a crossroads not knowing where we were going to go.  We don't know where He wants us after the next 2 years. We're praying that He will give us our heart's desires and let us go home, back to Shelaine and Jordan, but if that is not His will, He needs to prepare and change our desires, and ready the hearts of those who want us back.  It's better to be in His will, than pushing against it and failing every time.  We've learned this many, many times.

I'm going to add some pictures of our time, especially for those of my friends who may not have seen them on facebook.

Love you all and miss you more than words can say.  I will try to post more often!

After school escaping the 102 degree heat.

Strawberry festival

After school selfies

A type of waffle batter with ham and cheese inside - had this at a student's birthday party.

Folklore day - students performed in traditional dress. This is my class.

Strawberry festival again. Would love to have bought some of this stuff!

Under cover BBQ at the apartments with friends

Zane's class in dress for Folklore Day

One of my most challenging, but most lovable students :)

Back at the birthday party. Silk tablecloths!!!

Two of my sweet friends dressed up.

This is how they paint walls in Paraguay!

Boys playing flag football

Zane got creamed at the Family Picnic

Staff development - fun times :)

Dona Patrona - she organizes the cooking every day at school, as well as for special events. She's wonderful!

A little friend decided to make friends with Marlowe.

Brendon's 20th birthday - celebrated by all our friends.