
Saturday, August 16, 2014

Praying for God's favor

How many of us actually realize how great our God is?  This journey we have been on has definitely taught us this truth.  We tend to put God in a box, and bring Him out when we need Him. Well, during this time away, we haven't been able to do that. We have needed Him with us every step of the way. We needed His hand in ours, leading us, guiding us, and encouraging us. And during this time, He has gently taught us quite a few lessons - lessons that I am hoping  I have learned so that I can get 100% when I write the final exam!!

  • Trust - we have to trust Him. Joshua 1:9 says : Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."  We often tend to question our circumstances and, in our minds, we know what we need. But if we trust God, He will show us something better!
  • Obedience - we have to be obedient to God's call. If He asks us to move, we need to move. If He asks us to stay, we have to stay. We have tried to hear his voice and go where He has sent us.  Knowing we were following Him (even though we were not always sure at the time), is the best place we could be.
  • Favor - if we diligently seek God, and ask for His favor, and are in His will, He will provide EVERY time!  This verse came back to us over and over :  

Here is the story of the ending of our journey :

Our visa application was not approved to start off with. We were a little confused and, naturally, very disappointed at first. Then we refocused and remembered that God had a plan for us, and His plan was obviously not right now. So, after emailing the lawyer and questioning what would happen next, we were told that the visa had to be refiled with Premium Processing ($1,225!). We were not happy because we had basically emptied our bank account to pay it the first time, and asked why it should be different this time if they were going to resubmit the same documents. We prayed about this situation, and sent a final email to the lawyer with some more questions. 20 minutes later, he emailed back saying that their firm would cover the Premium Processing!! Miracle/God's favor # 1

So the visa was re-filed, and we were told that we had to wait 3 weeks for the decision. About 10 days later, I went online and saw that they were asking for MORE information!  I emailed the lawyer and he said that he had sent off some more paperwork. We would need to wait another 3 weeks for their decision.

At this point, in our humanness, we were waiting for the next blow. We forgot that God is in control. So after a day or two of stressing and worrying, we came together and prayed, and gave it back to Him. 3 days after the visa was re-filed, we got a decision. APPROVED!!!  Miracle/God's favor # 2 Lesson learned :

Next step was the visa interview. We had approval from the USCIS, but not an actual visa. (We had to pay another $800 for this, which was miraculously exactly provided  for by donations into a GoFundMe account that my sweet friend, Andrea, had set up for us.) This would come if our interview was successful, and it all depended on the Officer that interviewed us.  Naturally, we were nervous, although we shouldn't have been. Again, God had it. We had people praying for favor for us at this interview. We prayed for favor. We believed that, by looking at what God was doing, that this was yet another way that He was going to show us His plans. I prepared a folder of all the documents the lawyer suggested we take with us, including a few extra! I was up until 11pm the night before, printing out things and getting it organized. We went into the interview, and after 3 minutes of chatting with the Officer, walked out! He didn't even want to see my folder. VISA APPROVED!  Miracle/God's favor # 3

Our final step was to get our tickets changed. When I booked them, I saw on the policy that the company didn't charge change fees, but that the airlines would charge a change fee of around $300 per ticket, plus the difference in air tickets. So I had booked a return ticket in December, because we weren't sure when we would return.

I phoned the company to change the tickets and eventually found out that there was no value left on the tickets and that we couldn't change them. We would either have to use them in December or lose them. Shock again ... (why do we revert back to our human thinking after we have seen what God can do???). So, back to the only thing we know works .. prayer. We were online to friends (David  A .... our hero!!) who tried all sorts of things to get us a new one way ticket. Costs were astronomical - Zane's would have cost $1700. So I was thinking that I just needed to get them on my credit card and worry about paying them back later. I spoke to another hero of mine, Stephanie, who asked for my itinerary so she could do some research. Then, she confirmed what God was whispering in my heart : rest, go to sleep and let God work.

I woke up the next morning to Whatsapps, Facebook messages and an email stating : YOU ARE COMING HOME!!!  Stephanie had contacted Delta, spoke with a lady and her supervisor, told them our story, and God touched their hearts. Change fee waived, and the difference in ticket prices just over $1000. AND, we found out that these costs had been covered.  Miracle/God's Favor # 4

We also found favor when looking for a place to stay. I was told by a friend, to contact David H, who has a Real Estate business and rents out apartments. Within a day, we had a place to stay, which is within our budget. And what makes me excited, is that we have a washer and dryer in the apartment; water, internet and cable are also part of the deal!  Miracle/God's Favor # 5

So, here we are, getting ready for our return trip on September 1st. Is it the date I had planned? No. Do I know why? Not yet!  But after all this, I can rest and know that it is God's timing, not mine, and I am just thrilled that He has given us one miracle after another. I am content to rest in Him, and to see Him in all aspects of my life.

I am grateful to all who have prayed for us, supported us in one way or another, and walked this road with us. I hope that in some way, this journey has helped someone else realize that, as Christians, our lives are not our own. If we seek God earnestly, He will give us the desires of our heart. But we need to SEEK Him! If I had the choice, would I do this again? If this journey has helped ONE person realize who God is, and what He can do, then yes, I would do this journey again ... and again .. and again. 

We have one more thing we want to seek His favor for : getting seats together as a family on our KLM flight from Cape Town to Amsterdam. At the moment, our seats are all separated. Excited to see God working again!

So what is the most important thing I've taken with me during this adventure? Seek Him first. Period.