
Sunday, March 9, 2014

Looking for the Blessings

You can find a blessing in everything .... if you want to. You can take any situation and, depending on your attitude, either make it a positive one, or grumble at the way you have been inconvenienced.

Our situation is not ideal - no home of our own, no transport of our own (yet .... watch this space....), no jobs, BUT it's been a treasured time. A time to spend precious moments with family - waking up and having coffee with my folks on the porch, spending an afternoon with cousins celebrating a birthday (which we haven't done since we were kids), and extra time forced on me with nothing to do but spend time with my Savior. 

 My quiet time is precious, and I am embarrassed to say that I did not have a lot of time while back in the USA. There was always something going on. Now, however, I have too much time but I want to use it to listen, to hear, to try and find out what His will is.  

I feel His hand on us ... quietening us during this time of discovery. I want the words of my mouth to be glorifying to Him. If I say, I'm praying for you, I want to be actively praying. If I share a bible verse or a picture on FB, I want it to be because I feel it will help someone. I don't want to have the facade of "being a Christian" because it looks good - I want it to be absorbed into my soul and my whole being, so that His Spirit can ooze out of my words, actions and very being. 

So, when I lose the crown of my tooth (as I did last night), or hear about the possibility of buying a car for the time we are here, I will try to see how God is using each situation to put us in the fire and refine us, so that we, in turn, can be used to encourage and help others - with the love that only He is able to give.

Sorry for the ramble, but it's actually more for me than you. I want to look back and see my journey. I want to remind myself of who I want to become, and what I need to learn.