
Saturday, February 22, 2014

I am constantly amazed at the marvelous way that God works. I have had to step back this week and marvel at His greatness.

It has been crazy and we have had so much to do. I know we all wondered why this had to happen, and I know that I wondered whether we were walking in God's will at all. After this week, I know we are. I have realized that although things don't happen the way we want or hope, if we can just put all our trust in Him, then He will make our paths straight.  We have been blessed out of our socks this week! I don't even know where to start, or if I could give justice to everything that's happened, just using words.  It's something you have to experience!

We managed to pay for our tickets - just over $6,000 - with money that was not ours. 

Philippians 4:19
And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

And then Brendon reminded me of this verse when I was worrying :

Matthew 6:26
Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?

I have looked into the eyes of my grieving students and friends, as we prepare to leave, and seen a love that I did not know was so deep, which has moved me beyond what I've ever experienced.  I have been a part of something so much bigger than me, and I am at the point where I am standing back and seeing God move in mighty ways

As we prepare for the next few days that lie ahead, finishing off packing up our house, and saying goodbyes, please continue to pray for strength for us. Especially as we have to leave our daughter and son-in-law. I thank God that she has an amazing support system and a wonderful husband who will take care of her. 

Please pray as we land on African soil and spend the following weeks reuniting with family, that we will be able to hear God's voice and to go where He leads us. We don't know where that is yet, and we want to be obedient to Him. He has given us the tools we need to go there. Please also pray that Brendon is able to complete his studies for this year with ease and no complications.

I think of my students that have given me their hearts, given me ALL their allowance, given me money they raised so we "wouldn't go hungry" (which we are going to use for the hungry in Africa where ever God leads us), and for friends who have donated towards our trip back (whether financially, in support or prayer). I am thrilled that they are all a part of what God is doing, and I trust that He will BLESS each and every person who has heard His voice to help.  This verse is for all of you :

Luke 6:38
Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full--pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back."

Thursday, February 13, 2014

As you know, we are starting to make the big "trek" back to South Africa. It has been a very emotional time, but we have been learning through all of this that although things don't always go the way we want, we NEED to continue to trust in God for His guidance. 

My hope was that a huge miracle would come about, so that we could stay permanently here without ever having to leave.  My hope was also that I could share with others what mighty things our God can do. I had faith the size of a couple of mustard seeds, and was very disappointed and bewildered when it did not come to pass.  All the emotions of anger, disappointment, fear, worry, etc. rushed through me during the first couple of days.  Then I was reminded, through His word, and many friends, that things don't always have to go our way. I was reminded that when He delivers His miracles, they are done His way, and not the way I want!  

During our time here, I have always had in my mind how I think things should work.  However God has been telling me that I am not in control of His plans for me, or my family. He is showing me that I need to be deep in His word on a daily basis, and I know that I have failed with that. 

So as we walk, ride, run, fly through this journey, I would like to share with you our ups and down, our battles and triumphs, so that you can pray for us, and see that ultimately, God IS in control and that His plans ARE better than ours.

My biggest fears have been how I am going to be able to close off all accounts and bills before we leave, how I am going to get air tickets, where we are going to stay on the other side on a more permanent basis, how we are going to travel while there, and how we are going to get some income.  Are my eyes focused on the circumstances and the waves? Absolutely. I am therefore making a decision to focus on Him, like Peter did, and not the waves, so that we can walk on the water with Him as our guide.

Now, I need to get some boxes and decide what needs to be packed, what needs to be chucked and what needs to be stored..... how much can I fit into 2 suitcases per person????